Election to National Offices and General Council of the Bar

  • There shall be established an independent body to be known as the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (hereinafter called “the ECNBA”) to conduct elections into National Offices of the Association and election of the representatives of the Association in the General Council of the Bar.
  • The ECNBA shall comprise a Chairman and four (4) members.
  • The National Executive Council shall appoint the Chairman and members of the ECNBA not later than the month of December of the year preceding the election year.
  • The procedure for the appointment of the members of the ECNBA, the rules governing the conduct of election to national offices and election of the representatives of the Association in the General Council of the Bar, and disqualification of candidates from the election shall be as set out in the Second Schedule to this Constitution.
  • For the purposes of election into National Offices, the country shall be divided into three zones as set out in the Second Schedule to this Constitution.
  • Election into National Offices and election of the representatives of the Association in the General Council of the Bar shall be by universal suffrage and electronic voting as set out in the Second Schedule to this Constitution.
  • The Twenty (20) members representing the Association in the General Council of the Bar shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and shall only be eligible for re-election for another term of two (2) years. Provided that at least seven (7) of them shall be members of not less than ten (10) years post-call.
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