Code of Conduct for ECNBA

  • Members of the ECNBA shall conduct themselves and effectively carry out their duties in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Operational Guidelines contained in this Schedule, and in accordance with extant laws, rules and guidelines of the Association.
  • All activities of the ECNBA shall be conducted according to the highest standards of propriety.
  • The ECNBA shall be an independent and effective electoral committee and shall conduct free, fair, transparent, and credible elections for the Association. In particular, the ECNBA shall carry out all its functions free from external control and influence, reject any improper influences, and, except as provided by this Constitution or any legal framework, refrain from accepting directions relating to the performance of its task from any person.
  • The ECNBA shall maintain truthfulness and honesty in all its activities.
  • The ECNBA shall ensure that no action or activity is taken in support of any candidate or group of candidates, and shall ensure that every candidate, voter and other participants in the election process are treated fairly and impartially in the conduct of the election.
  • The ECNBA shall perform its duties in a manner that is strictly impartial, non-partisan and politically neutral.
  • The ECNBA shall demonstrate respect for the Rule of Law and shall comply with the laws of the Federation of Nigeria.
  • The ECNBA shall display openness and transparency in all its activities and in its relationship with all members, particularly the candidates for the election, and shall ensure the following: a) Consult with participants in the electoral process on a regular basis, and in relation to specific decisions, if it is appropriate to do so in the circumstances. b) Provide an explanation, in response to reasonable requests, for a decision it has made as part of the electoral process, or a decision made as part of the general conduct of the election. c) Establish a system that allows interested parties to access, in a timely manner, all critical information, documents, and databases used in an election process, or used in the normal operation of the election administration. d) Disclose fully any deficiency in the administration of an election when it comes to its attention. e) Make freely available and in a timely manner, the information on which each decision was based. f) Arrange effective and reasonable access to relevant documents and information within the framework of the Constitution of the Association.
  • The information on which the ECNBA’s decision is based shall be accurate as well as accessible. The ECNBA shall perform every task on the basis of the highest level of standard of accuracy of information and objectivity of analysis. In particular, the ECNBA shall: a) Ensure that information is collected, compiled and published in a systematic, clear, and unambiguous manner. b) Do everything necessary, within the Constitution of the Association to ensure that all the information that it compiles, uses, or publishes has a sound factual basis.
  • The ECNBA shall work to provide every voter the highest quality service required to enable voters to exercise their rights with the least possible inconvenience, given the circumstances and Constitution of the Association, and in particular shall: a) Make it as convenient as possible for voters to participate in the election process. b) Ensure that voters adequately understand the election process. c) Do everything possible to provide a way for members with special needs, such as members living with disabilities or voters living in remote areas to vote.
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